ATG Automations-Technik-Gröditz GmbH & Co. KG


Am Stahlwerk 5
01609 Gröditz


Tel: +49 35263 666 0 Fax: 035263 666 30

Contact person

Ulrich Keil
Am Stahlwerk 5
01609 Gröditz


ATG is an industrial service provider in the field of automation for different branches. Both, development and building of new plants and technologies as well as strengthening existing plants and services for other manufactured plants do all belong to our range of service. Especially, safety related strengthening of existing plants including a risk assessment under the new industrial safety regulations. ATG developed a new technology of tube extraction.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Actor technology, sensory engineering and regulating equipment | Analog-digital circuits | Plant design and conception | System control and monitoring | Drive designs (development) | Automation | Production automation | Production enhancement | Production technologies | Hydraulic systems | Integrated measuring and testing technology | Interactive visualisation and simulation | Lightweight construction | Machine designs and mechatronic components | Mechatronics | Measuring instrument construction | Production and process automating | Production control technology | Process planning and automation | Process regulation and automation | Process monitoring | Process monitoring and regulation, process simulation and streamlining, sensor-supported | Process visualization | Quality assurance | Regulating technology | Risk analysis | Risk evaluation | Software engineering | Special mechanical engineering | Control and regulating systems | Technology development | Metal-forming | Material testing | Non-destructive material testing

REFERENCES Material Testing Institute North Rhine-Westphalia | Viega | Sanha | Aalberts Industries | Schmiedewerke Gröditz | Bahntechnik Brand-Erbisdorf | water and effluent association Elbe-Elster | own wastewater business Gröditz | Gestra AG | Bee | Götze Armaturen | Grohe | Sakret Sachsen | TU Dresden | TU Chemnitz | Standardkessel Baumgarte | Evonik

STATUS Finalist | Component manufacturer | Own research/development

BRANCHES OF ECONOMY Casting of steel | Hammer forging | Pressing, stamping and roll-forming | Manufacture of fluid power equipment | Manufacture of other taps and valves n.e.c. | Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.

PRODUCTS Fully automatic transport systems | Miscellaneous electrotechnical accessories for machines and apparatuses | Various machine components | Machine linings and housings | Protective covers | Miscellaneous safety devices | Analog regulating systems | Other control systems | Operating and display equipment | Bus systems | Data entry | Digital control systems | Components for automation | Positioning control systems | Switching cabinets, housing systems | Communication systems for the field | Process routine control systems (industrial computers) | SPC control systems (stored program control systems) | Components for measuring and testing devices | Testing systems | Testing instruments | Testing machines | Test stands for machine tooling components | Special testing equipment | Non-destructive test procedures | Complete solutions for quality control, process control and position determination | Control systems and system components for assembly and handling equipment

INDUSTRIES Building/stoneworks/earthworks | Chemistry/pharmacy | Food industry | Metallurgy/mining | Mechanical and plant engineering | Other industrial machinery


Herstellung von sonstigen nicht wirtschaftszweigspezifischen Maschinen a. n. g.
Ingenieurbüros für technische Fachplanung und Ingenieurdesign

Saxon technology areas

Energie - Speichertechnik - Brennstoffzelle
Maschinenbau - alle
Maschinenbau - Automation
Maschinenbau - Sensorik, Meß- und Prüftechnik
Record changed: 23.12.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)