Tel: +49 371 33716770 Fax: +49 371 33716779 www.aqcomputare.deContact person
Philipp PlänitzDenise Lippmann
The AQcomputare GmbH is a medium-sized company specialized in industry-oriented research and development services in the field of materials science. In particular, we offer highly innovative concepts for calculating the properties of materials.
Competences and Primary Activities:
• Development of materials for chemical storage systems (for example, for
cathodes or anodes)
• Optimization solutions
• Software development
• Simulation of material properties and dynamic processes
• Development/description of thin film systems and semiconductor materials
Materialtechnik für
The AQcomputare GmbH is a medium sized company specialized in industry-oriented research and development services in the field of materials science. In particular, we offer highly innovative concepts for calculating properties of materials at an atomistic level. Our main competencies are in the following areas:
• Fuel Cells - Description of diffusion properties across membranes
• Batteries - Description of mechanical and electrical properties of electrode materials
• Chemical storage - study of chemical / physical properties of new materials
industrienahe Dienstleistungen - Luft- und Raumfahrt